Instructors :
Prof. Marc Pollefeys, Dr. Daniel Barath
Teaching assistants :
Jiaqi Chen, Haofei Xu, Mirlan Karimov, Boyang Sun, Zihan Zhu
Lectures :
Mondays from 09:15-12:00 in HG E 3
Prerequisite :
You should have attended the Computer Vision lecture from the last semester, particularly focusing on the camera model, geometric aspects, and structure-from-motion. If you haven't taken that class, there will be a very short repetition, but you will need to study the necessary basics yourself to work on your project and understand papers.
Schedule :
Date | Topic |
Feb 17 | Introduction (Dr. Daniel Barath)(recording from 2022) |
Feb 24 | Geometry, Camera Model, Calibration (Prof. Daniel Barath) (recording from 2022) |
Mar 3 | Features, Tracking / Matching (Dr. Daniel Barath) (recording from 2022) |
Mar 10 | Project Proposals by Students (Prof. Marc Pollefeys) |
Mar 17 | Structure from Motion (SfM) + papers (Dr. Daniel Barath) (recording from 2022) |
Mar 24 | Dense Correspondence (stereo / optical flow) + papers (Prof. Daniel Barath) (recording from 2022) |
Mar 31 | Bundle Adjustment & SLAM]() + papers (Dr. Marc Pollefeys) (recording from 2022) |
Apr 7 | Student Midterm Presentations (Dr. Daniel Barath) |
Apr 14 | Multi-View Stereo & Volumetric Modeling + papers (Dr. Daniel Barath)) (recording from 2022) || Apr 21 | Easter break |
Apr 21 | Easter break |
Apr 28 | 3D Modeling with Depth Sensors + papers (Dr. Daniel Barath) |
May 5 | Novel View Synthesis + papers (Dr. Marc Pollefeys) |
May 12 | 3D Scene Understanding + papers (Dr. Daniel Barath) |
May 19 | Guest lecture + papers (Dr. Marc Pollefeys) |
May 26 | Guest lecture + papers (Dr. Daniel Barath) |
June 2 | Student Project Demo Day = Final Presentations |