Course Information

Course Title: Advanced Topics in Embodied Intelligence

Course ID: 263-5908-00L

Lecturers: Dr. Xi Wang

Teaching Assistants: Yung-Hsu (Roy) Yang

Venue: Tues. 16:15-18:00h, CAB G 52

Course Description :

This seminar provides an overview of techniques in the field of embodied intelligence. It aims to provide an overview of techniques in embodied intelligence, including perception, sensing, language and planning, and how these disciplines are integrated to build embodied intelligence. This seminar opens with basics in embodied intelligence and briefly reviews the main disciplines related to the topic. Students will read, present and discuss the papers selected for the course and gain an understanding of research in this area. Introduction slides will be online at the course website. There are no prerequisites for this seminar, however, it will help if the student has taken classes in machine learning or computer vision.

  • Attend all classes and participate in discussions.
  • Read 1-2 papers per week before each seminar meeting.
  • Present paper and lead discussion once.
  • Write a follow-up project proposal as a long abstract.
  • Attendance is mandatory: Max. 2 absences - virtual option available in justified cases, e.g. sickness, travel, ... etc.
Slides & Paper List:

We provide slides as well as the paper list excel in ETH Google Workspace. Please use your ETH account to access the files.


Paper List:

Lecture Schedule :
Date Description Speaker 1 Speaker 2
February 18 Introduction
February 25 Example talks Boyang Alexey
March 4 Talk 1 Angelo Huang
March 11 Talk 2 & 3 Felix Hegg Yufei Liu
March 18 No class
March 25 No class
April 1 Talk 4 & 5 Mirlan Karimov Sai Bommisetty
April 8 Talk 6 & 7 Tavis Siebert Fabian Schrag
April 15 No class
April 22 Easter Holiday
April 29 Talk 8 & 9 Gustavo Aguiar Martins Robin Gibson
May 6 Talk 10 & 11 Esteban Padilla Jonas Egloff
May 13 Talk 12 & 13 Clara Kümpel Liam Achenbach
May 20 Talk 14 & 15 Jonas Pai Caterina Caccavella
May 27 Talk 16 & 17 Tao Zhang Xiangge Huang

Semester Index