Welcome to the website of the ETH Computer Vision and Geometry group. The CVG group is part of the Institute for Visual Computing (IVC). Our research and education focuses on computer vision with a particular focus on geometric aspects. Our goal is to study and develop techniques to extract 3D shape, motion, appearance and calibration information from images.
Specifically, our group is working on the problems of structure-from-motion, self-calibration, photometric calibration, camera networks, stereo and rectification, shape-from-silhouettes, multi-view matching, 3D modeling and image-based representations. We aim to develop new theories and algorithms, as well as systems and applications. Our current focus is on mobile computer vision and modeling large-scale scenes and dynamic events.
We are always looking for students pursuing master/bachelor/semester. Here was some running lectures
The 11th International Conference on 3D Vision will be held in-person in Davos, Switzerland on March 18-21, 2024.
Date:March 18-21, 2024
Location:Davos, Switzerland
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